Stored-operated display solutions

Distributed display solution

Distributed display solution and branch network display solutions

The display can be controlled via a network and centrally supplied with media. The type of display (stele / terminal, information display / individual display or video wall) plays no role in this regard. As a result, it is possible to supply an individual display in the foyer / entrance area as well as any number of door signs of conference rooms via an administration server, for example. It is possible to use meovis Software in shopping-malls or stores with branch network.

Distributed display solution example of layout within a company building

The distributed display solution can be individually set up as per customer requirements. Additional displays can be connected to the administration server at any time, which means the system remains scalable.

The adjacent example shows the layout for a networked company building.
The entire system (stele in reception area, individual display, as well as door signs for conference rooms and the menu in the canteen) can be supplied with information from the reception, for example, via a browser.

Distributed display solution example of layout for networked company buildings

The displays (manufacturer e.g. LG, Samsung NEC) can also be controlled across several company buildings.
Connection of the displays is possible via Internet or internal network / intranet. The displays within the network can be managed from every workstation PC connected to the network that has appropriate authorisation.

Several company buildings